Your home health care partner!
a nurse assisting a senior woman with her medications

Jaden Health Care LLC is registered as a profit-making company based in Harford County, owned by its principal administrator and Director of Nursing. The office is located in Harford County, Maryland, which are the preferred counties of senior population in Maryland. Harford County is also home to hospital facilities, housing for seniors and people with disabilities, and a renowned wound center which will save as referral bases for our agency.

The life-enriching services we will be providing will help the elderly throughout the community to preserve an independent and dignified lifestyle while in the comfort of their own homes.

The homes we live in have a rich and meaningful history steeped in the joy and sadness of every breath and every heartbeat we take. There are familiarity and lived-in feelings that can never be replaced by an “old folk’s home” or some static health care institution.

Inevitably, someday we will all reach a point in our lives where making dinner, going to the store, or even getting dressed will become difficult. But do we base to abandon our homes just because we can’t perform some basic life skills?

At Jaden Health Care LLC, we assist the elderly so that they do not abandon the familiarity of their home or the camaraderie of their neighbors, friends, and family.

Our Mission

Our goal is to deliver high-quality home health care to ensure that every individual under our care receives what they deserve. We aim to be of help to those who need health assistance at home.

Do not hesitate to send us a message to know more about the services we provide.

caregiver chatting with her patient on a wheelchair